Dear Reader, an Introduction

Dear Reader,

My name is khalidgiles and I am your host when you are on Honest Turf. I’d like to welcome you to a place that is devoted to the better. What do I mean? Well, I’ll tell you.

We have a lot of problems in this world.

Our environment is going down the drain.

Our society, in general, everyone agrees is messed up.

Companies just don’t care. The dollar is their god.

Our health is dependent upon a healthcare system that is not only broken, but also corrupt.

Not to mention that within these things there are more problems and subcategories of problems.

We live in a world that is broken, corrupted, sad and alone. What can we do in light of these massive problems? What can we do to save the universe, the world, ourselves?

This is where I introduce you to the term MOGO. MOGO means “Most Good.” It is the kind of life you live and the kind of decisions you make. Most Good.

For those unfamiliar with MOGO, I’m here as your guide. It’s hard to make these decisions if you don’t know how, if you don’t know what, if you don’t know where, and if you don’t know why.

A more specific definition of MOGO is that it is a type of decision. A good example is that buying organic cotton instead of commercial cotton is a MOGO decision. Organic cotton is not produced using pesticides, among other improvements from the popular commercial farming techniques, and is not polluting the earth. That is what makes it a MOGO decision.

And, if you didn’t know that about organics or MOGO decision-making, that’s okay. Honest Turf is here for you.

I welcome you to think. I welcome you to think about yourself, the environment, and your environment as you go through your life. I invite you to think every day about what you have done, what you are doing, and what you will do and how your actions affect everything. Reader, I thank you for giving me a bit of your time. You can spend it here and improve your life and the lives of everyone else. For this, I thank you.

